Pat's Poems

This is a collection of poems I have written in the past and will be added to as I write more. I am putting them here to share with others. Any comments are welcome.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Holiday Memories 1/2/05

Seasons come and seasons go
Some Christmases the ground is covered with snow
Some are jolly and some are sad
But I don't want to forget a one I've had.

When I was little my whole family was there
Then third grade came and empty was my Dad's chair
My grandad died when I was in tenth
But they both left memories of holidays spent.
My first child was born a month after my grandmother passed
But she left many memories that always would last.

My marriage continued a second daughter I had
Eight happy Christmases then sad
Another marriage which brought two sons
And four children of his (we also took care of)
Our home was filled for years with children and love
The kids were all gone before things went bad
I then had the worst three Christmases I've ever had
Just after the third my mother did pass
But left many memories which can never be surpassed.

Now two more Christmases have gone
But even to memories of these I will hold on.

I pray there'll be more even better than the last
But I'm still thankful for the memories of Christmases in the past.


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