Pat's Poems

This is a collection of poems I have written in the past and will be added to as I write more. I am putting them here to share with others. Any comments are welcome.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Hopeless or Helpless 8/16/05

So many things today ways to change we can not imagine
To top the list there's too much war and too much famine.

We feel helpless to fight either one
We feel it's hopeless these things have won.

If we'd stop the war and spend the money on hunger
Would things in the world improve, I wonder.

I know when my life hunger controlled,
I fought like crazy for the little I had to hold.

Is war not the same, except for the number?
The loss of what they're fighting for, would turn their world asunder.

Time 8/16/05

Time is an elusive thing
It can either happiness or sorrow bring.

It has no favorites, not you, not me
It exists for everyone of us you see.

Time is a friend or an enemy it can be
For all of us we must just wait and see.

Time can be a motivator when jobs need to be done.
But, it can also bring frutration when ending bells are rung.

If we take the time to plan each day,
Lack of time will not have it's way.

We know we have to be somewhere,
So we hurry to get there -- just to wait
But the pressure to be on time is better than being late.

I'm scared 7/26/05

I'm sensing such hatreds way done in my soul
I am scared what will happen if to them I react.
But if I don't face them, will I ever be whole?

I'm scared what will happen if I admit they exist
Just thinking about them I am making a fist.

Somethings that have happened have made me really sad.
People didn't understand why I didn't get mad.

No matter what happened I just fealt a great loss
and once again to the side I'd been tossed.

Are They Real? 7/26/05

The emotions I have today I do question
For they suddenly came and they don't seem to lessen.

I know before they were too bad to face,
So often I stored them in my private place.

I would keep on behaving like they didn't exist
Admitting they were there I would always resist.

Now I think back and over me they rush
They really get me upset, they cause me to blush.

A thing I don't know, and what causes me to question,
I am just feeling now what I wouldn't let myself feel then
or are these feelings about what happened then new ones that I am feeling now?
How could that be after so long, how?

Comfort 6/1/05

For each person this word has different meanings
For some it means a physical state, but yet for others it has a psychological leaning.
A physican state includes no pain and complete relaxation
A psychological one can cover friends who when you're in times of trouble -
are by your side and hover.

Both of these are accurate but for me it goes still further
It hangs on the promises Our Father has given
He'll never give us more than we can handle
all the time that we are livin',
He also promises to be there to comfort and assure,
Though many times life seems to make these promises obscure.